A smartly designed sleeping bag for mild weather camping, a cool, comfortable way to make the most of this hot, dusty land. At Oztent we love getting out and about, enjoying the bush and the wonderful experiences it provides. To help campers everywhere sleep better and stay comfortable we have created several new sleeping bags with XSIL™ brushed inners, “T-Therm™” bonded fibre insulation and other smart features.
Purposefully Constructed for Comfort and Sleep
The XSIL™ inner is designed with comfort in mind to help provide a great night sleep.
Full Length Auto-lock Zipper
Oztent combines smooth gliding zipper technology with auto-locking sliders and anti-snag guards. This results in hassle free operation where the zipper easily opens, but only when you want it to.
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A smartly designed sleeping bag for mild weather camping, a cool, comfortable way to make the most of this hot, dusty land. At Oztent we love getting out and about, enjoying the bush and the wonderful experiences it provides. To help campers everywhere sleep better and stay comfortable we have created several new sleeping bags with XSIL™ brushed inners, “T-Therm™” bonded fibre insulation and other smart features.
Purposefully Constructed for Comfort and Sleep
The XSIL™ inner is designed with comfort in mind to help provide a great night sleep.
Full Length Auto-lock Zipper
Oztent combines smooth gliding zipper technology with auto-locking sliders and anti-snag guards. This results in hassle free operation where the zipper easily opens, but only when you want it to.
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